I was a mere 22 years old. She -- my black Dodge Charger with red pleather interior -- hadn't even reached her first birthday. Life was good. Then a rude awakening set the stage for a financial planning lesson I would never forget. Read about it in my new article on the Society of Grownups blog.
"Your Triple Tax-Free Health Savings Account: Financial Planning MVP" - New Article on Guidevine Blog
When it comes to getting healthy, wealthy, and wise, Health Savings Accounts (HSA) have got "early to bed, early to rise" beat, hands-down. Read why in my new article "Your Triple Tax-Free Health Savings Account: Financial Planning MVP" on GuideVine.com.
When Money Media Nerds Meet: FinCon'17 Trip Report
It might not be as star-studded as Comic-Con or as fur-covered as CatCon. But FinCon'17, a conference targeted at a self-described "energetic community of money media nerds," did not disappoint. It was a mind-blowing lesson in what’s possible when a diverse group of smart people, cutting edge technology, and a culture of sharing coexist. But what's in it for you non-money media nerds?
"How NOT to Rebalance Your Portfolio" - New Article on Guidevine Blog
You’re leaving your financial planner's office, freshly minted plan in hand. Thrilled to finally have your ducks in a row, you’re practically beaming. Read all about how to make that glow last in my new article "How NOT to Rebalance Your Portfolio" on GuideVine.com.
Extra credit: When you're done with that, if you'd like to learn more about the endlessly fascinating topic of Behavioral Finance, check out the "Misbehaving with Richard Thaler" episode of my favorite podcast, Hidden Brain. It's the October 23, 2017 show, which features host Shankar Vedantam interviewing the unexpectedly funny and engaging 2017 winner of the Nobel Prize in economics.
"Education Funding: A Grandparent's Primer to Pay for Education Expenses" - New Article on Guidevine Blog
You want your grandchildren to have the best education money can buy. But you fear sky-high costs could jeopardize that dream -- or your retirement security. Before you step in to help, educate yourself on the pros, cons, and gotchas of your many options for contributing.
Read all about it in my new article "Education Funding: A Grandparent's Primer to Pay for Education Expenses" on GuideVine.com, a Match.com-like service connecting consumers with financial advisors.